About Digital River
Digital River, Inc. and its subsidiaries is a world-class online global reseller services provider. We provide essential compliance, fraud, tax and payment services to the suppliers and manufacturer of goods and services. When we make products and service rights available for sale, we do so in our name as an authorized reseller on behalf of our clients. Digital River, Inc. and the subsidiary that handles your purchase are controllers of any personal data processed in connection with your transaction.
Below is a list of Digital River subsidiaries that may handle your purchase. Regardless of which subsidiary handles your purchase, you can contact us at onlinestore.en.cs@digitalriver.com.
Digital River
Ireland Ltd. 3rd Floor Kilmore
House, Park Lane, Spencer Dock, Dublin 1, Ireland Company Number: 707578 VAT Number: IE6426071C Directors: Margaret
McMahon, Ryan Douglas |
All countries except,
United States and Canada |
DigRiv Ireland Ltd. 3rd Floor Kilmore House, Park Lane, Spencer Dock, Dublin 1, Ireland Company Number: 707578 VAT Number: IE3899457TH Directors: Margaret McMahon, Ryan Douglas |
All countries
except United States and Canada |
Digital River GmbH Thurn-und-Taxis-Platz 6, 60313 Frankfurt am
Main Company Number: HRB
56188 VAT Number: DE194149069 Managing Director: Ryan Douglas |
All countries |
Digital products only. |
DR globalTech, Inc. 10380 Bren Road West Minnetonka, MN 55343 |
United States
and Canada |
Digital River Do Brasil Importação e Comercio De Produtos De Informatica Ltda Avenida Roque Petroni Junior, nº 1089 Cj. 905 - Sl
1 São Paulo, Brazil |
Brazil |
Digital products only. |
DigRiv Brasil Ltda Avenida Roque Petroni
Junior, nº 1089 Cj. 905 - Sl 3 São Paulo, Brazil |
Brazil |
Digital River
Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Suite 1710, Building A
No. 331, North Caoxi Road, Xuhui District Shanghai 200030, China |
China |
Digital products only. |
Digital River India Private Ltd. 1302, Tower-3, One International Center, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone Road (West), Mumbai-400 013 |
India |
products only. |
Digital River Japan K.K. Tokyo Club Building
11F, 3-2-6-
Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Japan |
Japan |
Digital River Korea, Limited 4 fl, LS
Yongsan Tower, 92 Hangang-daero, |
Korea |
Taiwan Branch Rm. 100, 14F.-14 No. 97, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist. Taipei City 110050,
Taiwan (R.O.C.) |
Taiwan |
Digital River UK Limited c/o TMF Group, 8th Floor, 20 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, United
Kingdom Company Number: 05788465 VAT Number: GB892232909 Director: Ryan Douglas |
Kingdom |
Digital River, Inc. 10380 Bren Road West Minnetonka, MN 55343 |
United States |
DigRiv North America Inc. 10380 Bren Road West Minnetonka, MN 55343 |
United States |